Tisdale, Sask. July 8-9, 1989
Toronto Star Weekly - 1959 / "They Call Him Mr. North"
Freezer Merchandisg 1967 - "Abattoir Is Reason For Success Of This Plant" - Tubby's Meat Packing Business
Imperial Oil Review 1959 - "Here comes the Lamb Express" by Bill MacPherson
Tom Lamb Convocation thank you letter
Letter from Caroline Marks Lamb to Jennie - 1943
Leter from Leland Storw to Tom Lamb - 1963
Letter from Tom to his sons from Hawaii
Letter from Tom to Jennie - 1942
Story of the SS Dispatch by Tom Lamb
Freepress January 30, 1965 - "May Not Return At all, Tom Lamb Warns Canada"
Brandon Daiy Sun April 12, 1956 - "Tom Lamb, Fabulous Man Of The North"
Golden Boy Awards of the Manaitoba Travel and Convention - 1962
Crown Agency News - June 1959 - "Jack Johnson and "Mr. North""
THP and Caroline Mark's Marriage Certificate
Time Magazine, August 25, 1961 - "Mr. North"
Time Magazine, May 30, 1969 - "Dr. North"
"The Ballad of Old Tom Lamb" by Leland Stowe 1958
Letter form Hilda to Tom and Jennie - 1948