Added Lamb family mail list and added back genealogy pages

Added a Lamb Family mail list so you can send one email to reach all the subscribers of this mail list. Also, at the request of several members, we have password protected the genealogy page. Please send an email to to gain access.

Started to separate Aircraft photos updated many other pages

I started to separate the aircraft photos into their own pages based on registration number. This will take awhile to complete. Added hot links on the Aircraft page to link the planes to their respected photo page.

Also added photos to Rat Ranch, Lambair, Family, Moose Lake Store, Transport and 7-Bar-L. Also added documents to Lambair and Rat Ranch.

Added a Nunavut Award Page with photos and movies section within Lambair plus many other updates. See detailed entry for a complete description.

Add a new section within Lambair about the Nunavut Government recognizing Tom Lamb and his sons accomplishments. Also added photographs and documents to Lambair section. Added a "Letters and Writings" section to Transport and Fishing.

Added more documents

Add more documents to Lambair, 7 Bar L, Rat/Beaver ranch and Family sections. Also added photos to Lambair section

Added many documents to the various sections.

Added documents to Lambair, 7 Bar L, Rat/Beaver Ranch, Moose Lake and Family sections. Also added photographs to many of the sections.

Added google site search capabilities, added a page for Lambair aircraft (a work in progress), updated theme and added a few more photos

Changed the menu order and updated more photos

Updated photo descriptions and changed web site style

Added additional photograhs and replaced the LambBoys Presentation with a PDF version

Moved site to and added more photographs and The Legend of Tom Lamb

Added Photographs to Lambair, Moose Lake Store, Rat/Beaver Ranch, Transport & Fishing and Lamb Family areas